The Order in Council 2022-0392 requires that the report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency be laid before each House of Parliament by February 20, 2023.
On February 17, 2023, Commissioner Rouleau released the Report of the Public Inquiry into the 2022 Public Order Emergency. The report is made up of the five volumes listed below.

Volume 1
Contains an Executive Summary and a consolidated list of recommendations.

Volume 2
Analysis (Part 1)
Contains the first half of the Commissioner’s review and analysis of the evidence presented to him during the inquiry.

Volume 3
Analysis (Part 2) and Recommendations
Contains the second half of the Commissioner’s review and analysis of the evidence, as well has his recommendations.

Volume 4
Process and Appendices
Includes an explanation of how the Commission conducted its work, as well as 36 appendices containing rules, decisions, legislation, and other materials that are relevant to the Commission’s work.

Volume 5
Policy Papers
Contains 17 previously published commissioned papers from academic experts.
Webcast of Commissioner's Public Statement
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